
Note: I’ve only published short stories in French so far!

Cinnamon, Rose and Cigarettes – Winner of the 2021 Guerlain – Le Cherche Midi prize

Cold Chain– winner of Short Editions’ “-15°” competition

Sirena22 Looking for Sirena22 – Short story to be published in 2025 as part of the anthology: “Avatars, Digital ghost – Netizens and their Doubles” by Arkuiris Press

Soi(r) – Short story longlisted for Béziers’s Fantastic Festival Award, to be published in ebook format in late 2024

What if Disney Princesses Had Never Existed? – Uchronia for International Women’s Day (Usbek & Rica)

X-Pill, Taste Pleasure – Sex tech is serious business (Usbek & Rica)

Silent Town, Happy Town – What if all writing disappeared from our cities? (Usbek & Rica)

One Shutter, Then Another – Autobiographical text published in Écriture de soi-R

Red on Black – Horror short story published in La Revue du Faune

Weird Objects Giving Bad Advice
